Saturday 27 January 2018

Botox – Non-Conventional Medical Uses & Success Stories

Botox Treatments for skin conditions

Have you ever found yourself blushing, only for that blush to become an embarrassing crimson hot flush which you have no control over?

Commonly referred to as Rosacea flushing, Rosacea is a common skin problem which leaves people prone to impromptu flushing and lasting skin reddening. Worse, chronic Rosacea can be exasperated by food and alcohol, and give rise to serious social anxiety as a result.

Needless to say, Rosacea can be a very uncomfortable and embarrassing condition to live with. The good news, however, is that semi-regular Botox treatments are finally giving many sufferers some much-needed relief.

How Botox Helps Manage Rosacea

Botox works by inhibiting Acetylcholine, the nerve agent which carries messages between the brain and facial muscles. This being the case, while Botox in a cosmetic context can help relax facial muscles and smooth wrinkles, it can also prove effective at reducing Rosacea redness.

With the brain no longer able to transmit flushing and blushing messages to the dermis, Botox helps improve overall skin tone. Meanwhile, because patients no longer have to worry about blushing involuntary, Botox can help finally banish many associated social anxiety problems.

Needless to say, botox treatments from companies like Sloan Dental are revolutionising the way we think about the reasons to why people get botox. We know that treatments are there to help you look younger and more natural, but they are also helping people with skin problems such as the ones below.

Botox for Hyperhidrosis

When Botox is administered to localized skin areas, the botulism toxin itself doesn’t just relax localized muscle groups. As well as this, Botox can effectively paralyze sweat glands in the skin. What is more, it is for this reason that Botox is fast becoming the recommended medical treatment of choice for a condition called Hyperhidrosis.

What is Hyperhidrosis?

Hyperhidrosis is a condition whereby sweat glands in the skin become chronically hyperactive. Like with the involuntary nature of Rosacea, sufferers subsequently find themselves sweating profusely, either chronically, or during periods of slight social anxiety.

Thankfully, by inhibiting the same Acetylcholine neurotransmitter as in Rosacea, Hyperhidrosis can be effectively cured for up to two months at a time by single Botox treatments to affected areas.

Botox Treatments & Migraine Relief

According to the British Migraine Trust, 1 in 7 people in the UK and worldwide, suffer from recurring migraines. What is more, there are currently no pain medications which can provide full and lasting pain relief to sufferers, without serious side effects such as liver damage and eventual dependency.

Thankfully, Botox of all things has been found to help drastically decrease both the frequency and intensity of migraines. This is because when applied to specially identified areas, Botox prevents muscles from contracting and creating tension which can spur migraine attacks.

Botox is Not a Migraine Cure But Can Help Significantly Reduce Migraine Frequency

While Botox can lessen the intensity and frequency of migraines, it is important to note that Botox isn’t an all-out cure. Interestingly, however, the same mechanism of releasing muscle tension which Botox uses, is very similar to that used by professional chiropractors when treating migraines. This being the case, while evidence is only anecdotal, chronic migraine sufferers might want to think about pairing Botox with occasional chiropractic treatments, in order to attempt to maximize results.

The post Botox – Non-Conventional Medical Uses & Success Stories appeared first on PHLS Medical.


Thursday 16 November 2017

How A Toilet Step Has Revolutionised The Medial Industry

What goes on when you’re on the toilet is a private matter and for good reason, however, it’s not something to be embarrassed about, is it? I think Tarō Gomi said it best in his book Minna Unchi or to give you the English name Everyone Poops.

However, while it’s very much a fact of life that doesn’t always mean it’s easy does it? Whether you suffer from bowel problems, hemmorrhoids or frequent constipation going to the toilet can be a painful experience. But did you know there is an easy solution to this problem?

That’s where a toilet step comes in! What might appear to be a relatively simple piece of furniture is actually a revolutionary medical breakthrough that is changing the way people go to the toilet for the better.

Toilet Step Stool

What Does A Toilet Step Do?

A toilet step is a very deceptive thing, at a glance it might look very simple and you can be forgiven for thinking it’s not something you’ll need. But its simple design hides a very innovative product that can help a wide range of people. Let’s take a look at some of the main ways a toilet step can help you in more detail.

A Relaxed Position

The main benefit of a toilet step is that it gives you a relaxed position, this means you can go to the toilet with your knees sitting comfortably at a higher level. By having your feet raised the puborectalis muscle will be more relaxed which will make going to the toilet easier.

This is especially true for people who suffer bowel problems and this all backed up by professional research as well. It might seem like just a small thing, but it can make a huge difference, so whether you suffer from bowel issues or not a toilet step is going to be a wise investment.

It Will Help Your Posture

Do you often find yourself slouching while sitting on the toilet? If so don’t worry many people if not the majority of people do but when you have a toilet step you be able to ensure you always maintain proper posture.

This as a number of benefits and best of all it can help prevent issues like constipation, hemmorrhoids and even more serious conditions like colon disease. It might seem like a toilet step is an easy thing to dismiss but it can help you in so many ways and everyone can benefit from having one in their home.

Pain Relief

I have already mentioned this, but I think it’s worth reiterating just how beneficial a toilet step can be! Stomach and digestive problems are surprisingly commonplace, and many people just put up with them, but you don’t have to! A toilet step can make using the toilet much easier and it can even help prevent some problems from even occurring.

Introducing The Squat Easy

I have talked enough about why you should have a toilet step in your bathroom, haven’t I? So, now let me introduce you to what I think is one of the best toilet steps available right now! The Squat Easy takes toilet steps to the next level and includes some fantastic features.

Its smooth compact design makes it easy to slot away next to your toilet when it’s not in use, rubber pads help provide a secure grip and best of all it as a powerful anti-bacterial surface! Hygiene is essential with a toilet step stool and the Squat Easy is the most hygienic model on the market and can even easily be wiped clean.

Toilet steps have revolutionised the medical industry in particular medial medical science and research which is based around the middle on the body. Toilet steps are commonplace in hospitals care facilities. They may not seem like they do much, but they can and do make a big difference.

The post How A Toilet Step Has Revolutionised The Medial Industry appeared first on PHLS Medical.
